Organization & search
SynergyOS has an advanced search engine to help you find anything that you are looking for as quickly as possible. The search functionality can be accessed in all of the SynergyOS applications tabs (Drive, Messages, Workflow, etc.) and in particular from the universal search tab.
Search results
You can search using the search bar at the top of the page. By default, it will perform a search for files and folders across the repository.
After running the search, you will see a list of search results. Those search results can be sorted by any of the column headings. You can access the files or folders by double-clicking on the chosen result, or you can right click on "go to file" to see the item in its folder.
If you would like to perform a search by file content or a keyword, you have the option of selecting "Files" on the left-hand side. By selecting "Files", the "File content" field is unlocked and allows you to insert one of many search term(s) before clicking on "search" or hitting the enter key to run the search.
When the search results appear, you can click on any of the results, where you will see a preview in the details pane on the right-hand side, where all the coincidences of the search words are highlighted.
The search navigation pane shows you all the repositories, and within each repository you can apply the following filters and search options:
You can filter or search by folder. When you click on a folder you will see results within that folder and all subfolders. If you click on Folder 1 without searching for any word in the search bar, you will see all the files in Folder 1 and all its subfolders, so you can browse a list of all files in a path. This is especially helpful when you are looking for a file and don't remember the folder when it is located, so you can easily see all files without having to browse folder by folder.
You can filter and search by tags or a combination of tags. When you click on more than one tag, you are performing a search using the OR search operator with those tags.
Color tags
You can also filter by colour tags or a combination of color tags. When selecting more than one color tag, you are performing a search using the AND search operator.
File type
You can filter and search by file type. We have selected the most used file types to provide a direct access to the search functionality. If the search type that you are looking for is not included here, you can perform a search by file type directly in the search bar with the parameter: filetype:"pptx"
When you are browsing through folders you can utilize filters in your main view to narrow the documents shown within the folder.
You can filter by name of the file or by file type. You have the option of using a shortcut "Ctrl+F" to filter by name within the folder.
When you are browsing through folders you can utilize filters in your main view to narrow the documents shown within the folder.
You can filter by name of the file or by file type. You have the option of using a shortcut "Ctrl+F" to filter by name within the folder.
It is also possible to optimize navigation to folders in the file explorer by using a shortcut "Ctrl+K" and foltering by folder names.
Tags are an additional tool to help you organize your files and folders, by adding allowing you to categorize content in a flexible and powerful way to complement the traditional folder structure.