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Metadata System

SynergyOS includes a flexible Metadata System that allows you to tag all items and define custom metadata fields to suit your organization's needs. This system enhances searchability, organization, and data management across all applications within SynergyOS.


In complex organizational environments, efficiently managing and retrieving information is crucial. The SynergyOS Metadata System provides powerful tools to categorize and describe items such as files, folders, emails, tasks, notes, and more. By applying tags and custom metadata, you can create a structured and easily navigable data environment tailored to your organization's unique requirements.

Key Features

1. Tagging

  • Universal Application: Apply tags to files, folders, emails, tasks, notes, and other items.
  • Easy Categorization: Use tags to group related items, regardless of their location in the folder structure.
  • Flexible Tagging: Assign multiple tags to an item for cross-referencing.
  • Tag Management: Create, edit, and delete tags as needed.

2. Custom Metadata

  • Custom Fields: Define custom metadata fields specific to your organization's needs.
  • Item Types: Create custom fields for specific item types, such as projects, contracts, or assets.
  • Data Types: Support for various data types, including text, numbers, dates, dropdown lists, and more.
  • Metadata Templates: Create templates with predefined metadata fields for consistent application.

3. Inheritance

  • Metadata Inheritance: Metadata and tags can be inherited from parent folders or items.
  • Consistent Organization: Maintain consistent categorization and metadata across nested items.
  • Override Capability: Ability to override inherited metadata at the item level if necessary.


  • Enhanced Searchability: Quickly find items using metadata filters and advanced search capabilities.
  • Improved Organization: Organize data logically without being constrained by folder hierarchy alone.
  • Efficient Data Management: Simplify data classification and retrieval processes.
  • Customization: Tailor metadata to align with organizational processes and terminology.
  • Collaboration: Share and understand context easily through descriptive metadata and tags.

How It Works

Applying Tags

  1. Select an Item: Navigate to the item you wish to tag (e.g., a file or email).
  2. Access the Info Tab: Open the Details Pane and select the Info tab.
  3. Add Tags: In the Tags section, type the name of the tag and press Enter. You can add multiple tags to an item.
  4. Manage Tags: To remove a tag, click the '×' next to the tag name.

Creating Custom Metadata Fields

  1. Access Metadata Settings: Go to Settings > Metadata Configuration.
  2. Define a New Field:
    • Click Add New Field.
    • Enter the Field Name (e.g., "Contract Expiry Date").
    • Select the Data Type (e.g., Date).
    • Choose Applicable Item Types (e.g., Files, Folders).
  3. Set Field Properties:
    • Specify if the field is Mandatory.
    • Provide a Default Value if applicable.
    • Define any Validation Rules (e.g., date ranges).
  4. Save Configuration: Click Save to apply the new metadata field.

Metadata Inheritance

  • Automatic Inheritance: Items within a folder automatically inherit the metadata and tags assigned to the parent folder.
  • Override Inherited Metadata:
    • Open the item's Info tab.
    • Modify the inherited metadata fields as needed.
  • Propagation: Changes to parent metadata can propagate to child items, depending on settings.

Practical Examples

Project Management

  • Scenario: Managing multiple projects with varying statuses and deadlines.
  • Tags and Metadata:
    • Tags: Apply tags like "Project Alpha", "In Progress", "High Priority".
    • Custom Metadata Fields: Create fields such as "Project Manager", "Start Date", "End Date", "Budget".
  • Benefit: Easily filter and find projects based on status, priority, or manager.

Document Classification

  • Scenario: Organizing contracts, policies, and procedures.
  • Tags and Metadata:
    • Tags: Use tags like "Contract", "Policy", "Procedure".
    • Custom Metadata Fields: Define fields like "Effective Date", "Department", "Approval Status".
  • Benefit: Quickly retrieve documents based on type, department, or approval status.

Email Organization

  • Scenario: Managing client communications.
  • Tags and Metadata:
    • Tags: Tag emails with client names or project codes.
    • Custom Metadata Fields: Add fields like "Client ID", "Response Required By".
  • Benefit: Streamline communication tracking and ensure timely responses.

Best Practices

Establish Tagging Conventions

  • Consistency: Use a standardized set of tags to ensure consistency across the organization.
  • Hierarchy: Consider hierarchical tags (e.g., "Marketing > Campaigns > 2024") for structured categorization.
  • Avoid Over-Tagging: Use only relevant tags to prevent clutter.

Define Clear Metadata Fields

  • Relevance: Create metadata fields that are meaningful and useful for your workflows.
  • Mandatory Fields: Make essential fields mandatory to ensure critical information is captured.
  • User Training: Educate users on the purpose and use of metadata fields.

Utilize Inheritance Wisely

  • Logical Folder Structure: Organize folders so that inheritance of metadata makes sense.
  • Override When Necessary: Override inherited metadata if the item requires specific information.
  • Review Inheritance Settings: Regularly review inheritance settings to ensure they align with current needs.

Regular Maintenance

  • Review and Update Tags: Periodically audit tags to merge duplicates or remove obsolete ones.
  • Metadata Clean-Up: Clean up unused or outdated metadata fields.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage users to provide feedback on metadata usefulness and adjust accordingly.

  • Advanced Search Filters: Use metadata fields as filters in the search functionality.
  • Save Search Queries: Save frequent searches as Smart Folders for quick access.
  • Combine Criteria: Search using a combination of tags and metadata fields for precise results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I apply tags to multiple items at once?

A: Yes, you can select multiple items and apply tags to all of them simultaneously. This is useful for bulk categorization.

Q2: Are tags case-sensitive?

A: Tag names are not case-sensitive. "Urgent" and "urgent" are considered the same tag.

Q3: Can I restrict who can create or modify metadata fields?

A: Yes, permissions for creating and modifying metadata fields can be managed by administrators to ensure consistency and control.

Q4: How does metadata inheritance work with nested folders?

A: Metadata and tags applied to a parent folder are inherited by all its subfolders.

Q5: Can I import metadata from external systems?

A: SynergyOS supports importing metadata through integration tools or APIs.


The Metadata System in SynergyOS is a powerful tool that enhances the organization, searchability, and management of your data. By effectively utilizing tagging, custom metadata fields, and inheritance, you can tailor the platform to fit your organization's unique needs and workflows.