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Search Folders

Smart Folders in SynergyOS serve as dynamic containers that encapsulate saved search parameters across various elements including files, folders, messages, projects, contracts, and more, offering an updated view based on the saved criteria.

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Smart Folders emerge from saved search results, acting as dynamically updated queries saved as folders. They offer an efficient means to access, organize, and share refined searches with stakeholders, across all facets of SynergyOS, always reflecting the current state of content matching the saved search parameters.

Creating Smart Folders

Upon achieving the desired output from a search, click on the "Save as Smart Folder" icon to create a Smart Folder. This Smart Folder, now housed in the Smart Folder tab, is ready for immediate access and sharing.

Accessing and Managing Smart Folders

Navigate to the Smart Folders section to access, edit, or share all your Smart Folders. Each Smart Folder serves as a continuously updated search query, presenting the latest content matching the saved search criteria across all SynergyOS components.

Sharing Smart Folders

Smart Folders can be shared with stakeholders, providing dynamic access to specific sets of data defined by the saved search parameters. This sharing capability enhances collaborative efforts, ensuring all parties have an updated view of the relevant data, irrespective of the SynergyOS component.

Editing Smart Folders

Adjust the search parameters of a Smart Folder to refine or broaden the scope of the saved search, ensuring the Smart Folder remains relevant and adaptive to evolving requirements.